為慶祝本校50周年金禧校慶,英文科特別製作了一齣英語音樂劇名為“Together” ,該劇將於3月9日(星期六)下午2:30至3:30在本校禮堂舉行公開場,現誠邀各位校長,校友,家長及同學出席觀賞。表演當天,學校亦安排了校園導賞,讓各界更了解學校近年在設備上的改進及提升。為使本校有更妥善的安排,敬請於2月19日前掃描QR code(或參考Bio 附有的網址)填寫表格登記,以便預留座位,謝謝!
We are so pleased to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to attend our 50th Golden Jubilee Anniversary English Musical, titled Together. The performance will be held at 2:30 pm on Saturday, 9th March 2024 in the School Hall. We would also like to invite you to join us for a special campus tour that will take place that day. The tour offers a chance to explore our upgraded facilities. Please confirm your attendance by scanning the QR code or clicking the bio link to fill in the Google Form on or before 19th February 2024. We look forward to seeing you!